Film and Television Productions
Girls Will Be Girls Productions is an independent television and film production company taking compelling and recognized stories and producing exceptional programming across a wide variety of genres. Founded in 2014 by Kailin Gow, as an arm to Sparklesoup Studios, specializing in entertaining content featuring strong women characters, Girls Will Be Girls Productions under the helm of prolific author/head scriptwriter/creator Kailin Gow, known for her books featuring strong women characters, and for her years of professional experience producing reality television and radio shows; have already made its mark, developing multiple non-fiction, factual and scripted shows for television, web, cable programming, SVOD, and theaters.
View Our Productions in Various States of Development and Productions.
Girls Will Be Girls Productions, Sparklesoup Inc., Kailin Gow or any representative of the company, does not accept or consider unsolicited ideas, scripts, or other material.
Copyright 2024 Kailin Gow